
법제처 국가법령정보센터

최근공포법령 상세화면
법령명 디자인보호법 시행규칙 한글파일 다운로드 이전법령보기 공포법령보기 인쇄
입안유형 일부개정 법령종류 산업통상자원부령 공포번호 제00302호 공포일자 2018. 6. 28.
시행일자 2018. 6. 28. 소관부처 특허청 담당부서 디자인심사정책과 전화번호 042-481-5766
						⊙산업통상자원부령 제302호
디자인보호법 시행규칙 일부개정령을 다음과 같이 공포한다.
2018년 6월 28일
산업통상자원부장관 (인)

디자인보호법 시행규칙 일부개정령

디자인보호법 시행규칙 일부를 다음과 같이 개정한다.

제65조제1항 중 "발급"을 "발급(전자문서에 의한 발급을 포함한다)"으로 한다.

제66조제2항 각 호 외의 부분 중 "발급"을 "발급(제1호의 경우에는 전자문서에 의한 발급을 포함한다)"으로 한다.

제68조제1항 각 호 외의 부분에 단서를 다음과 같이 신설한다.
다만, 제1호에 따른 신청의 경우 「특허권 등의 등록령 시행규칙」 별지 제15호서식의 신청서에 등록증 재발급 신청의 취지를 적은 경우는 그러하지 아니하다.

제68조제2항 중 "자"를 "자(디자인등록증등 또는 영어 디자인등록증등을 전자문서로 발급받은 자는 제외한다)"로 한다.

제80조제2항 중 "심판장"을 "특허심판원장 또는 심판장"으로 한다.

별지 제19호서식을 별지와 같이 한다.

이 규칙은 공포한 날부터 시행한다. 다만, 제65조제1항, 제66조제2항 및 제68조제2항의 개정규정은 2018년 7월 1일부터 시행한다.

■ 디자인보호법 시행규칙 [별지 제19호서식] 특허로(www.patent.go.kr)에서
온라인으로 제출할 수 있습니다.


│For use by the applicant ││For use by the Office of indirect filing │
│This international application contains the ││ (if applicable) │
│following number of continuation sheets: ││ │
│ ││ Name of the Office: │
│This international application is ││ Office reference: │
│accompanied by the following Annexes: ││ Date of receipt of the international application by the Office: │
│?? Ⅰ ?? Ⅱ ?? Ⅲ ?? Ⅳ ││ │
│ ││ │
│ ││ Signature and/or seal of the Office: │

│1 │
│APPLICANT (Mandatory) │
│(a) Full Name: │
│(b) Address: │
│ Postal code: City: Country: │
│(c) Telephone: Fax: │
│ E-mail address: │

│2 │
│With respect to each of the entitlement criteria (a) to (d) below, indicate the corresponding Contracting Party │
│or Parties. If any item is not applicable, write "None". A list of the Contracting Parties bound by the 1999 │
│Act and/or the 1960 Act is attached to the present form. Under item (d), only a Contracting Party bound by │
│the 1999 Act may be indicated. Where entitlement is derived from a connection with a Contracting Party that │
│is a member State of an intergovernmental organization (European Union or African Intellectual Property │
│Organization (OAPI)), both that member State and that intergovernmental organization should be indicated │
│(such as "France, European Union") with respect to any of the corresponding criteria; where entitlement is │
│derived from a connection with a member State of an intergovernmental organization that is not a Contracting │
│Party, only that intergovernmental organization should be indicated. │
│ │
│(a) Nationality: │
│(b) Domicile: │
│(c) Real and effective industrial or commercial establishment: │
│ │
│(d) Habitual residence: │

210㎜×297㎜[백상지 80g/㎡]

│3 │
│APPLICANT’S CONTRACTING PARTY (Mandatory where the 1999 Act applies) │
│Indicate the Contracting Party or one of the Contracting Parties, bound by the 1999 Act and mentioned in │
│item 2, that is to be considered as the applicant’s Contracting Party. │
│If no applicant’s Contracting Party is indicated and the international application is filed through the Office of │
│a Contracting Party that is indicated in item 2, the indication of that Contracting Party is deemed to be the │
│applicant’s Contracting Party. │
│Applicant’s Contracting Party: │
□ If there are several applicants, check box and use a continuation sheet, giving the above required information
under items 1, 2 and 3 for each applicant.

│4 │
│Where there are several applicants with different addresses and no representative is appointed, an address for │
│correspondence must be indicated. Where no such address has been indicated, the address of the first person │
│indicated in item 1 shall be treated as the address for correspondence. If there is only one applicant and no │
│representative is appointed, this item should be completed only if the address for correspondence is different │
│from the address given in item 1(b). │
│Address for correspondence: │
│Postal code: City: Country: │

│5 │
│(a) Full Name: │
│(b) Address: │
│ Postal code: City: Country: │
│(c) Telephone: Fax: │
│ E-mail address: │
│ │
│(c) To appoint a representative, the present international application must either be signed by the applicant │
│ or be accompanied by a power of attorney (check the appropriate box): │
│ □ item 19 of the international application is signed by the applicant │
│ □ a power of attorney is attached to the present form │

│6 │
│Total number of industrial designs (maximum of 100)1: │
│Total number of reproductions: Black and white: Color: │
│Total number of A4 pages comprising reproductions: │
│ (d) Total number of specimens (if any): │
│1 If the application includes more than one industrial design and designates Estonia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Syrian Arab Republic, │
│Tajikistan or the United States of America, it is strongly recommended to refer to the Hague Guide for Users, International Application ? Item │
│6, at http://www.wipo.int/hague/en/guide/ia.html │

│7 │
│DESIGNATED CONTRACTING PARTIES (Mandatory - no Contracting parties may be added afterwards.) │
│Indicate, by ticking the appropriate box, each Contracting Party where protection is sought. The designated │
│Contracting Party must be bound by an Act ? the 1999 Act and/or the 1960 Act ? to which one of the │
│Contracting Parties indicated in item2 is also bound (a list of Contracting Parties is annexed to the present │
│form): │
│ │
│ □ ALAlbania □ EMEuropean Union □ LILiechtenstein □ PLPoland │
│ □ AMArmenia □ ES Spain □ LTLithuania □ RORomania │
│ □ AZAzerbaijan □ FI Finland2 □ LVLatvia □ RSSerbia │
│ □ BABosnia and □ FR France □ MAMorocco □ RURussian Federation │
│ Herzegovina □ GAGabon □ MCMonaco □ RWRwanda │
│ □ BGBulgaria □ GEGeorgia □ MDRepublic of □ SGSingapore │
│ □ BJBenin □ GHGhana2 Moldova □ SISlovenia │
│ □ BNBrunei □ GRGreece □ MEMontenegro □ SNSenegal │
│ Darussalam □ HRCroatia □ MKThe former □ SRSuriname │
│ □ BWBotswana □ HUHungary2 Yugoslav Republic □ STSao Tome and │
│ □ BXBenelux □ IS Iceland2 of Macedonia Principe │
│ □ BZBelize □ IT Italy □ MLMali □ SYSyrian Arab │
│ □ CHSwitzerland □ JP Japan □ MNMongolia Republic │
│ □ CICote d’Ivoire □ KGKyrgyzstan □ NANamibia □ TJTajikistan │
│ □ DEGermany □ KHCambodia □ NENiger □ TNTunisia │
│ □ DKDenmark □ KPDemocratic □ NONorway □ TRTurkey │
│ □ EEEstonia People’s □ OAAfrican Intellectual □ UAUkraine │
│ □ EGEgypt Republic of Property □ USUnited States of │
│ Korea Organization America4 │
│ □ KRRepublic of □ OMOman │
│ Korea3 │
│ │
│2 If Finland, Ghana, Hungary and/or Iceland is/are designated, it is compulsory to indicate, in item 11, the identity of the creator. The latter │
│declares that he believes himself to be the creator of the industrial design. Where the person identified as the creator is a person other than │
│the applicant, it is hereby stated that the present international application has been assigned by the creator to the applicant.│
│3 Products belonging to class 32 (of the Locarno classification) cannot receive protection under the law of the Republic of Korea. │
│Consequently, any designation of the Republic of Korea in an international registration for industrial designs in class 32, would be the subject │
│of a refusal by the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO). │
│4 If the United States of America is designated, it is compulsory to indicate, in item 11, the identity of the creator and to submit an oath or │
│declaration of inventorship using Annex I. │

│8 │
│BE USED (Mandatory) (see note 1 on cover page) │
│Class to which the industrial design(s) belong(s) (optional) : │
│No. of the design │Total number of │Product(s) │Subclass │
│(in numerical order)│reproductions │ │(optional) │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│□ If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet. │

│9 │
│ DESCRIPTION5, 6, 7 │
│Only the characteristic features of the industrial design(s) that appear in (a) reproduction(s) should be │
│described. In addition, matter which is shown in a reproduction but for which protection is not sought may │
│be indicated in the description (and/or by means of dotted or broken lines or coloring in the reproduction). │
│The description can further disclose the operation or possible use of the industrial design as long as it is not │
│technical. Furthermore, the omission of a specific view may be indicated. If the description exceeds 100 │
│words, an additional fee of 2 Swiss francs per word exceeding 100, shall be payable. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│□ If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet. │
│5 If the Syrian Arab Republic is designated, a brief description of the reproduction or of the characteristic features of the industrial design is │
│required. │
│6 If Romania is designated, a brief description of the characteristic features of the design is required. │
│7 If the Russian Federation is designated, ROSPATENT recommends that a brief description of the characteristic features of the industrial │
│design be provided. │

│10 │
│ │
│Associate the number in the margin of your reproduction with the corresponding code (eg. 1.1, 1.2, etc.): │
│1 Perspective; 2 Front; 3 Back; 4 Top; 5 Bottom; 6 Left; 7 Right; │
│9 Unfolded; 10 Exploded; 11 Cross-sectional; 12 Enlarged; 00 Other (limited to 40 characters) │
│┌──┬──┬─────────────────┰──┬──┬─────────────────┰──┬──┬─────────────────┐□ If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet.│
││No. │Code│Legend (max 40 characters, where ┃No. │Code│Legend (max 40 characters, where ┃No. │Code│Legend (max 40 characters, where ││
││ │ │code 00 has been indicated) ┃ │ │code 00 has been indicated) ┃ │ │code 00 has been indicated) ││
││ │ │ ┃ │ │ ┃ │ │ ││
││ │ │ ┃ │ │ ┃ │ │ ││
││ │ │ ┃ │ │ ┃ │ │ ││
││ │ │ ┃ │ │ ┃ │ │ ││
││ │ │ ┃ │ │ ┃ │ │ ││
│ │
│8Recommended for a designation of Japan and the United States of America. │
│ │

│11 │
│┌──────────┬──────────┬────┬──────┬──┬────┐If no industrial design is indicated, it will be understood that the identity of the creator relates to all industrial │
││No. of the design │Creator’s full name│Address │Postal code │City│Country │ │
││(in numerical order)│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│┝━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━┽────┼──────┼──┾━━━━┥ │
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────┼──────────┼────┼──────┼──┼────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────┼──────────┼────┼──────┼──┼────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────┼──────────┼────┼──────┼──┼────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────┼──────────┼────┼──────┼──┼────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│└──────────┴──────────┴────┴──────┴──┴────┘ │
│designs included in the present application. │
│□ If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet. │
│9If Bulgaria, Finland, Ghana, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, │
│Turkey or the United States of America is designated in item 7, this information is necessary (refer to the Guide, "Identity of the │
│creator"). │

│12 │
│CLAIM (Applicable to the designation of the United States of America only)10 │
│Indicate an article in the blank space provided. Only one article shall be indicated, irrespective of the number │
│of industrial designs contained in the present international application. │
│ CLAIM: The ornamental design for as shown and described. │
│ │
│10If the United States of America is designated in item 7, this information is required. │
│ │

│13 │
│PRIORITY CLAIM - Article 4 of the Paris Convention │
│□ The applicant claims the priority of the earlier filing mentioned below. │
│Indicate the number of each industrial design for which the priority is claimed. If no industrial design is │
│indicated, it will be understood that the priority claim relates to all industrial designs included in the present │
│application. │
│ │
│ │
││Office of earlier │No. of earlier │Date of earlier filing│No. of the design │Access code │Annex V ││
││filing │filing(if available)│(dd/mm/yyyy) │(in numerical order)│(if available)11│provided12││
││ │ │ │ │ │□ ││
││ │ │ │ │ │□ ││
││ │ │ │ │ │□ ││
││ │ │ │ │ │□ ││
││ │ │ │ │ │□ ││
│ │
│□ If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet. │
│11The WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) is an electronic system allowing priority documents to be securely exchanged between │
│participating IP Offices. If the Office of the earlier filing participates in DAS as a "depositing Office", with respect to priority │
│documents for industrial design applications, an access code may be obtained from that Office. If the Office of a designated │
│Contracting Party also participates in DAS as an "accessing Office", with respect to priority documents for industrial design │
│applications, the applicant may provide the access code in this item so that the latter Office is able to access the priority document │
│via DAS. For more information about DAS and its participating Offices, refer to the WIPO website: http://www.wipo.int/das/en/.1│
│ │
│12Check the box if the priority document is provided using Annex V for the purpose of a designation of the Republic of Korea. A │
│priority document may not be provided for the purpose of designating any other Contracting Party and will be disposed of. │
│ │
│ │
│If Japan, Republic of Korea, and/or the United States of America is/are designated, it is strongly recommended to refer to the │
│Hague Guide for Users, International Application ? Item 13, at www.wipo.int/hague/en/guide/ia.html#r13 │
│ │

│14 │
│INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ? Article 11 of the Paris Convention │
│□ The applicant claims that one or more designs were shown at an official, or officially recognized, international │
│exhibition. │
│ │
│Indicate the number of each industrial design shown at the exhibition concerned. If no industrial design is │
│indicated, it will be understood that all industrial designs were shown at the above indicated exhibition. │
│┌──────────────┬───────────┬─────────────┬──────────┐□ If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet.│
││Place where exhibition has │Name of the exhibition│Date on which product(s) │No. of the design │ │
││held │ │was(were) first exhibited │(in numerical order)│ │
││ │ │(dd/mm/yyyy) │ │ │
│┝━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━┥ │
││ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────┼──────────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────┼──────────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────┼──────────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │
│├──────────────┼───────────┼─────────────┼──────────┤ │
││ │ │ │ │ │
│└──────────────┴───────────┴─────────────┴──────────┘ │

│15 │
│EXCEPTION TO LACK OF NOVELTY (optional element applicable to the designation of Japan and/or Republic of │
│Korea only) │
│For more guidance, refer to the Guide to the International Registration of Industrial Designs, International │
│Application ? Item 15, at www.wipo.int/hague/en/guide/ia.html#r15. │
│Contracting Party concerned: □ Japan and/or □ Republic of Korea │
│□ The applicant claims to benefit from exceptional treatment provided for in the design law of the Contracting │
│Party(ies) concerned, for disclosure of all the industrial designs, or the industrial designs indicated below, │
│included in the present application. │
│ │
│ │
│ Supporting documentation may be submitted using Annex II (only for the designation of the Republic of │
│Korea). Annex II provided □ │

│16 │
│RELATION WITH A PRINCIPAL DESIGN (optional element applicable to the designation of Japan and/or │
│Republic of Korea only) │
│Under the national laws of Japan and the Republic of Korea one/some design(s) may be requested to be registered │
│as (a) related design(s) in relation with the principal design (for more guidance, refer to the Guide to the │
│International Registration of Industrial Designs, International Application ? Item 16, at │
│www.wipo.int/hague/en/guide/ia.html#r16). │
│ │
│(a)Check the appropriate box: │
│ Contracting Party concerned: □ Japanand/or □ Republic of Korea │
│ □ The applicant requests all the industrial designs which are contained in the present international application│
│ to be registered as a related design, or │
│ □ The applicant requests the following industrial designs which are contained in the present international │
│ application to be registered as a related design(s): │
│ │
│ Indicate the number(s) of the industrial design(s) concerned. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│(b)Information concerning the principal design to which the design(s) indicated under item (a) are related │
│ Check the appropriate box, and provide the required information. │
│ (i) The principal design is the subject of: │
│ □ the present international application │
│ □ a prior international application designating the Contracting Party concerned (Japan and/or Republic of Korea)│
│ WIPO reference13: │
│□ a prior international registration designating the Contracting Party concerned (Japan and/or Republic of Korea)│
│ International Registration No.: │
│□ a prior national application filed with the Office of the Contracting Party concerned (Japan and/or Republic of Korea)│
│ Application No./Applicant’s reference: │
│□ a prior national registration at the Office of the Contracting Party concerned (Japan and/or Republic of Korea)│
│ National registration No.: │
│(ii)If the above national or international application or registration contains several industrial designs, indicate the│
│ number of the industrial design to be considered as the principal design. │
│ Design number of the principal design: │
│?? If the space provided is not sufficient, check this box and use a continuation sheet. │
│ │
│13WIPO reference is indicated in the International Bureau’s acknowledgement of receipt of an international application ("WIPOxxxxx (5 │
│digits)" or "xxxxxxxxx (9 digits)"). │

│17 │
│ Timing of publication (publication will take place, subject to weekly publication cycle, six months after the │
│date of the international registration, unless the applicant requests one of the options below): │
│The applicant requests the immediate publication of the international registration□ │
│The applicant requests a deferment of publication □ │
│● Period of deferment requested (in months, starting from the earliest priority date if priority is claimed): │
│ │
│Important: The period of deferment of publication cannot exceed 30 months counted from the date of the │
│international application, or if priority is claimed, from the priority date. However: │
│? if Iceland, Poland, Russian Federation or the United States of America is designated, or if Hungary, │
│Monaco or Ukraine is designated under the 1999 Act, the applicant may NOT request deferment of │
│publication; │
│? if Denmark, Finland or Norway is designated, the period of deferment cannot exceed 6 months; │
│? if Singapore is designated, the period of deferment cannot exceed 18 months from the filing date; │
│? if a Contracting Party is designated under the 1960 Act, or if Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Croatia, │
│Estonia, OAPI, Slovenia or the Syrian Arab Republic is designated, the period of deferment cannot │
│exceed 12 months. │

│18 │
│designation of the United States of America only) │
│Check the appropriate box: │
│□ The applicant asserts small entity status within the meaning of Section 41(h) of Title 35 of the United States │
│Code and Section 3 of the Small Business Act, and applicable regulations of the U.S. Patent and Trademark │
│Office. │
│Important: For determination of entitlement to small entity status, refer to │
│http://www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/aia_implementation/AC54_Small_Entity_Compliance_Guide_Final.pdf. │
│□ The applicant certifies micro entity status within the meaning of Section 123 of Title 35 of the United States │
│Code and applicable regulations of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The applicant must submit the │
│micro entity certification form PTO/SB/15A or PTO/SB/15B using Annex IV. │

│19 │
│ApplicantRepresentative of the applicant │
│Name: Name: │
│Signature and/or seal: Signature and/or seal: │
│Date of signature (dd/mm/yyyy): Date of signature (dd/mm/yyyy): │
│Name of the person to contact, if necessary: │
│Telephone: E-mail address: │

This sheet is provided for the convenience of users. It is not necessary to complete it if the fee calculator has been used.
│3. AMOUNT OF FEES (see Fee Calculator: www.wipo.int/hague/en/fees/calculator.jsp) │
│ (a) Basic fees14 │
│for one design │
│for each additional design │
│19 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first 397.-- │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│(b) Publication fees14 │
│Fee per reproductions │
│ 17 Swiss francs ? reproductions │
│Fee per page on which reproductions are presented │
│ 150 Swiss francs ? page(s) in addition to the first │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│(c) Additional fee where the description exceeds 100 words14 │
│ 2 Swiss francs ? words exceeding 100 │
│ │
│ │
│(d) Designation fees │
│(i)Standard designation fees15 (only for Contracting Parties that do not require individual │
│designation fees) │
│There are three levels of standard designation fees. The list following the present calculation │
│sheet indicates which level applies for each Contracting Party. │
│Level 1: │
│42 Swiss francs for the first design ? Contracting Parties │
│+ 2 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first ? Contracting Parties │
│Level 2: │
│60 Swiss francs for the first design ? Contracting Parties │
│+ 20 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first ? Contracting Parties │
│Level 315: │
│90 Swiss francs for first design ? Contracting Parties │
│+ 50 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first ? Contracting Parties │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│(ii)Individual designation fee (payable only for the following Contracting Parties) │
│European │
│Union:67 Swiss francs for first design + 67 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first │
│Hungary:70 Swiss francs for first design + 17 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first │
│Japan:665 Swiss francs ? designs │
│Kyrgyzstan:129 Swiss francs for first design + 64 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first │
│OAPI: 83 Swiss francs for a single design / 124 Swiss francs for a multiple deposit (more than one design) │
│ Applicants from Least Developed Countries: │
│ 8 Swiss francs for a single design / 12 Swiss francs for a multiple deposit(more than one design) │
│Republic of │
│Korea15:210 Swiss francs ? designs │
│Republic of │
│Moldova:73 Swiss francs for first design + 7 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first │
│Russian │
│Federation:206 Swiss francs for first design + 43 Swiss francs ? designs in addition to the first │
│United │
│States of908 Swiss francs(or where item 18 applies, 454 Swiss francs for a small entity or 227 Swiss francs │
│America: for a micro entity) for the first part of the fee16 │
│ │
14For international applications filed by applicants whose sole entitlement is a connection with a Least Developed Country (LDC), in
accordance with the list established by the United Nations (http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/cdp/ldc/ldc_list.pdf), these
fees are reduced to 10% of the prescribed amounts. For the exact applicable amounts, see the Fee Calculator:

15For international applications for designs belonging to any class of the Locarno classification other than 2, 5 and 19, the individual
designation fee applies in respect of a designation of the Republic of Korea. For those designs belonging to classes 2, 5 and
19, level 3 of the standard designation fee applies.

16The individual designation fee for the United States of America comprises two parts, the first part to be paid at the time of filing
of the international application and the second part upon invitation by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

◇ 개정이유 및 주요내용
디자인권자의 편의를 제고하기 위하여 특허청장이 디자인권자에게 발급하는 디자인등록증을 서면뿐만 아니라 전자문서로도 발급할 수 있도록 하고, 디자인권을 승계한 자가 디자인권의 이전등록 후 별도로 등록증 재발급 신청서를 제출하지 아니하더라도 디자인등록증을 재발급받을 수 있도록 제출서류를 간소화하는 등 현행 제도의 운영상 나타난 일부 미비점을 개선ㆍ보완하려는 것임.
<산업통상자원부 제공>

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